This recipe is made in paid partnership with Irish Beef Sverige ( )
The chuck used in the recipe was grass-fed Irish Beef.

Chili on Irish chuck
Perfect chili for a weekend dinner
- Frying pan
- cast iron pot
- 1 big yellow onion
- 1 red peppar
- 1200 g Irish chuck
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 10 piri piri chilis
- 1 garlic
- 2,5 dl red wine
- 2,5 dl orange juice
- 3 tbsp chili flakes
- 2 tbsp chili poweder
- 2 tbsp cayenne pepper
- 2 tbsp Honey
- 1 dl brown sugar
- 3 tbsp tomato puree
- 4 tbsp calf fund
- water
- Cut the meat in to two centimeter pieces. Then put it in the frying pan together witholive oil to give it some color. When done put the meat in the cast iron pot.
- Chop up theonion and the garlic and put it in the frying pan. Fry it until it is soft then add the tomato puree. Stir it together and fry it for a minute or two. Add the red wine and the orange juice in the frying pan and stir it together until itboils.
- Then pourit all in to the cast iron pan. Fill the pan up with water so it just coversthe meat.
- Cut up the pirir piri chilis and add them together with the chili flakes, chili powder,cayenne pepper, honey, brown sugar andcalf fund in the cast iron pot and stir it together.
- Bring it toa boil on low heat and now it has to be on for around 8 hours. Stir from timeto time to make sure the meat falls apart. If you are getting low on liquid duringthat time you can add some water.
- When done you can server it together with some nacho chips, shredded chess and sour cream