Recipes for 30 pcs of Lentil beef

Lentil Balls
- 4 dl red lentil
- 2 dl finely ground köftelik bulgur
- 1 broth dice
- 7-8 dl water
- 1 dl rapeseed oil
- 1 yellow onion
- 3 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tbsp paprika puree
- 1 tbsp cumin
- chili powder if you like heat
- salt & pepper
- 4 green onions
- 1 bundle of parsley
- Wash the lentil, put in a saucepan and cook with 7-8 dl of water. Skim and crumble broth
dice or have a little salt. Allow to boil under lid on low heat until the lentils are completely cooked.Lift the lid from time to time, stir and mash the lenses slightly with a spoon. When the lentils
are completely soft, turn off the heat and mix in the bulgur. Stir and put a
lid on the pot. Let cool. If the batter feels too loose, let it stand for a
while without a lid.Prepare the tomato paste. Finely chop the onion and fry it softly in the oil. Add tomato
puree and paprika puree and fry it a little bit more. Season the tomato paste
with cumin and possibly chili powder. Mix the paste with lentils and season
with salt and pepper. Then knead everything together properly into a smooth
batter. If the batter feels too dry, you can add some olive oil. Finally mix in
scallions and parsley. Take a click batter in hand and shape into an elongated
steak. Place the steaks on a bed of salad leaves. Garnish with lemon slices. If
you like sour taste, you can wrap over some pomegranate syrup when serving.
Serve as one main course with salad, tzatskiki and bread or as a side dish.
- Roman salad, lemon and possibly pomegranate syrup